To enable the realization of an end-to-end system solution that implements the new possibilities of quantum technologies in IoT communication networks, the project partners are conducting the research in 3 different focus areas.

The first focus area of the project initially focuses on the definition or standardization of the physical IoT network interfaces. Regarding hardware, this work phase aims to develop fiber optic connections for the transmission of the required quantum states – this is needed to enable the multiplexing of quantum channels via fiber optics in the next step. This process will be followed by the design and realization of a quantum dot memory/sensor and, among other topics, the physical integration of the quantum sensors. Thus, the first focus area of the project revolves around the general planning and development of the required hardware.

The second focus area of the project primarily revolves around the security and resilience of the transmission channel. This is achieved by wiretap codes for end-to-end security and non-linear identification codes for energy optimization. Furthermore, in this work stream the project partners will be dealing with the distribution of randomized numbers and the programming of hybrid protocols, which are necessary tasks to secure the data transport on all levels. Other central points of the research are the quantum resources, distributed for the enablement of confidential computing in the cloud, and for the energy constraint, given the exponential sensor growth.

In the third focus of work in this project, the results of the first two focus areas will be integrated into a complete system, which will be demonstrated by a quantum IoT network application. The implementation and analysis of the demonstrator will conclude the project.